Monday, March 19, 2012

Subject: CPAA Notice of AGM and Call for Directors: Sunday March 25 9pm EST

Attention Canadian Polyamorous Community Members:

You are cordially invited to attend the Canadian Polyamory Advocacy Association’s Annual General Meeting.  

Date/time of meeting: Sunday March 25th at 9pm Eastern Standard Time (6pm Pacific Standard Time)
Place: A national telephone conference call.

RSVP: To attend the meeting, please RSVP to so that we can ensure we have enough capacity on the call and can provide you with information as to how to call in. 

This is also a call for Directors: For this meeting, we are inviting our supporters to become involved in the CPAA by becoming a Director.  If you are interested, please email  If you wish to discuss this with a current director, please leave a phone number and someone will return your call.  

Proposed agenda
1. Call to order (roll call)
2. Establish meeting process (facilitator(s), recorder)
3. Adoption of the agenda
4. Approval of last general meeting minutes ( February 27, 2011)
5. Receive directors’ report
6. Receive financial statements
7. Election of directors (coordinator, co-coordinator, secretary, treasurer (or secretary/treasurer) and other directors) 
8. Appreciation of outgoing Directors
9.  Special or other business:
a. Future role of CPAA
b. Proposed bylaw changes
c. New members
10. Adjournment

Monday, March 5, 2012

Victoria Poly 101 monthly discussion: How do you keep that special feeling in polyamory?

How do you deal with jealousy, and making sure your partner feels special and cared-for when you're polyamorous? Come discuss this topic, and bring other questions about polyamory on March 22nd. 

This discussion is moderated and is not a dating event, although you're welcome to stay and socialize afterwards if you like. 

Place:  The Ledge Lounge, 1140 Government Street, Victoria, BC
Time:  6:30 pm to 9:30 pm