Friday, November 25, 2011

Thank you, Poly Victorians!

What a great Poly 101 last night! I feel so proud to be a part of such an intelligent, aware, sexy and proactive 
community! Thank you to everyone who came out for our last discussion of 2011, including out-of-towners. 

Special thanks to Zoe Duff, of the CPAA  for her informative and inspiring summary of the Polygamy ruling. 

You all rock my world!

-- Kiki

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Landmark BC Supreme Court decision announced: Polygamy Law is upheld.. with some compromises

The following is a link to the BC Supreme Court's decision on Canada's Polygamy Law, which was challenged by (among others) the Canadian Polyamory Advocacy Association on behalf of polyamorous Canadians:

The Judge's decision makes a distinction between formalized poly unions and common-law cohabitation, the former being illegal, still, under the law.

Here is the CPAA's official reaction to the ruling (from their website):

Polyamorous people should be disappointed at this decision because, while it recognizes that there are some poly relationships that are NOT patriarchal, harmful and inequal, it does not decriminalize full expression of these relationships.

With these clarifications, it would seem the battle for legal recognition of ALL forms of polyamorous, adult, relationships has only begun..

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Poly 101discussion

What's the most difficult thing about poly for you?

Date :  Thursday, November 24, 2011
Time:  6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Location:  Oak Bay Guest House (dining room), 1052 Newport Avenue  Victoria, BC

What's tough about poly for you?  Come share stories, questions, and solutions at Victoria Poly 101 this month!